Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy will be sucking my life for the next several weeks. Yep.
Also, I feel so left out of the lonelygirl15 YouTube loop. I just don't have enough free time to be that pop culturally versed, and it makes me a sad, sad panda. It was so much easier to be slavishly devoted to pop culture five years ago. All it took was VH1, a subscription to Entertainment Weekly and a weekly round of the box office totals and Billboard charts. Now? Im.possi.ble. I barely fathom MySpace and I don't have the patience for my not-so-broadband to load clip after clip on YouTube.
Which brings me to this: maybe it's time to stop perusing MySpace and start persuing a legitimate brain-filling line of trivia, but with a more academic bent. Maybe it's time to think about getting that Ph.D. I could be the worlds 1343rd foremost Proust scholar, but that would require reading and actually finishingProust, and while I like madelines soaked in tea as much as the next nerd, I just don't have it in me.
Also, I feel so left out of the lonelygirl15 YouTube loop. I just don't have enough free time to be that pop culturally versed, and it makes me a sad, sad panda. It was so much easier to be slavishly devoted to pop culture five years ago. All it took was VH1, a subscription to Entertainment Weekly and a weekly round of the box office totals and Billboard charts. Now? Im.possi.ble. I barely fathom MySpace and I don't have the patience for my not-so-broadband to load clip after clip on YouTube.
Which brings me to this: maybe it's time to stop perusing MySpace and start persuing a legitimate brain-filling line of trivia, but with a more academic bent. Maybe it's time to think about getting that Ph.D. I could be the worlds 1343rd foremost Proust scholar, but that would require reading and actually finishingProust, and while I like madelines soaked in tea as much as the next nerd, I just don't have it in me.
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