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  Driving In Heels
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Oh, the new job is lots of fun!

It's life-consuming, but it's interesting and challenging (and you thought those were just meaningless words tossed around interviews), which translate into "fun" for my nerdy (not so) little noggin. I get to study! And they've given me homework! And quizzes! And I get paid! It's like school! But with with paychecks and benefits!

Next week, I'll be released into the wild -- tagged and monitored, of course. The week after that, I'll be run through orientation. The week after that, previously scheduled vacation will wash the newly acquired knowledge away.

I'm giving it another month before I feel steady enough to develop the daily rhythm for the new gig, and another month after that before it feels less like summer school (or summer camp) and more like a career.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a definite improvement over the newspaper!

9:08 PM  

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